Question: Is Omega Healthcare Investors good for baby boomer/retirement age related segment?

Question: Is Omega Healthcare Investors good for baby boomer/retirement age related segment?

Any way to get stocks that are baby boomer/retirement age related? Schwab doesn’t have that category.

Indy Samra: Patricia, just one area would be to invest in the healthcare space. I️ don’t have stock recommendations, but would recommend looking at a healthcare ETF.

Assunta Bianchini: OHI: Omega Healthcare Investors – is down to a fair value, has a good history and a high dividend. It’s an REIT, so it’s best held in an IRA as the dividends will not be taxed.

Helen Sriubiskis: Patricia Land Just for you: (a starting list)…/5086757-older-folk-portfolio

An Older Folk Portfolio – Chowder

Assunta Bianchini: Chowder’s is one of the best authors on SA (Seeking Alpha)

Helen Sriubiskis: Assunta Bianchini Agree! Also, Regarded Solutions, George Schneider, William Stamm, and others.

Helen Sriubiskis: OHI dividend info:

Dividend History

Assunta Bianchini: Thanks Helen

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